Hey lovely, what do you want?
Do you want to know the trick to getting what you really want?
Start here
If I were to get _____, I’d be happier. That happiness would feel like _____, _____, and _____.
Remember: you need to get specific. What does happiness feel like in terms of physical sensation? Where does it live in your body?
Get clear on this. It becomes your compass. The feeling-state of having what you want will guide you towards getting it.
It will arise when you’re getting closer to what you truly want. Or considering a choice that will get you closer: a job, a break, a conversation with someone you just met. Listen. Your essential self is telling you which way to go—so you can get there.
Be open to surprises that feel like what you want. Sometimes what we really want comes in a package totally different than what we expected. But the feeling-state tells us it’s the right one.
Today’s tweetable: @lindsey_lewis: Sometimes what we really want comes in a package totally different than what we expected. #365dayshappy
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