You matter.
I believe in the power of one.
I believe the little things make a big difference.
I believe in a world where we recognize our innate ability to evolve and help the world do the same.
I believe in a world where we understand that to do this we start with ourselves.
I believe in a world where we come together by first coming deeper into own self awareness.
I believe in a world where by recognizing our own innate connection to all things, we begin to see it in all others.
I believe in a world where we understand that if we don’t see ourselves in all, we don’t see ourselves at all.
You matter.
One drop creates an endless ripple.
One star can light in the sky.
One smile can change a person’s day.
One phone call can change a person’s life.
You matter.
You may not be awarded.
You might not get your name on a plaque.
You might not be heralded, or lauded, or even recognized.
You may not be thanked.
You matter.
Somewhere, someone is thanking the universe for your existence.
Somewhere, someone is tearing up in gratitude for an action you took without even thinking.
Somewhere, someone is smiling to themselves, just from thinking of your face.
Somewhere, someone is acting towards someone else the way you acted towards them.
You matter.
I believe in the power of one.
I believe in you.
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Beautiful… and inspiring.
You have a way with words that is a direct highway through your heart. Keep writing. It is appreciated.