5 steps to ring in the new year and ignite your dreams
December 30, 2013
This is about inviting in what you dream of, getting clear on what you’d like to let go of, and literally igniting the transformation that enables it to happen.
Igniting Transformation
Each year on winter solstice we trek down to the ocean. Through snow, or sleet, rain or crystal clear sky, we make our way over the logs and sand until we reach where the water laps the shore. Here, we set our sacred space, spark the match and ignite our intentions.
We cradle the flame so it can burn higher and deeper, dissolving the paper to thin filmy ash that floats away on butterfly wings. By morning, the ocean tide will have pulled everything that’s left into it’s womb.
A new day has dawned.
Before we arrive at the shore, we cocoon ourselves at home, setting aside time and space to generate clarity and determination, and open to grace. We light candles, play music, and anchor deeply inwards.
5 Steps to Ring in the New Year and Ignite Your Dreams
This is what happens next:
1. We free-flow words, images, sketches, random lines and wiggles that represent what we dream of and envision for the new year.
2. We generate categories that we’d like to focus in on–for me this year it was ‘Friends’, ‘Family’ (I split this into my side and my husband’s side), and ‘Work-Play-Love’.
3. Beneath each category I assign ideal and very real qualities and feeling-states that I envision unfolding in these arenas. Things like ‘Connection’, ‘Authenticity’, ‘Ease’; or ‘Global’, ‘Hug’, and ‘Inspiration’. A lot of the words end up repeating. I begin to see patterns and themes.
4. I envision a day one year from now. I begin from the moment I open my eyes, and watch how it unfolds as I live out that day, looking back on all that has happened in the year. Accomplishments, challenges, dreams.
5. We draw a circle on a sheet of paper. Inside the circle I put what I envision arriving and embracing in the new year. Outside it I put what I’m consciously letting go of. Things like ‘holding back’, ‘self-doubt’, or ‘believing money is limited.’
This is what we transform on the beach. This sheet with the circle that encapsulates our dreams, and the sums up what we’re clearing. We ignite the transformation with the power of a flame. Fire burns. Intentions rise up to the sky. The ocean absorbs the remnants.
A new year has dawned.
Don’t Miss This
Tomorrow is the last day to join the 51 people already signed up for January’s 30-Day Challenge: Design Your Dream Year. Click here for more info or to register.
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