…This new year, I’ve got a question for you: What are you going to embrace?What parts of you or your life will you love up fully this year?
Here’s a few of mine–I’m fully embracing that my yoga-loving side is deeply, divinely inspired; that this means the deeply world-loving, fashion-loving (don’t even get me started on Karl Lagerfeld and Paris women), business-loving, entrepreneurial side of me gets a kick-start from a place beyond fear. And then–big things happen. Really big things.
What I Didn’t Used to Love…and What Happens When We Start
I used to not love that part–kinda felt weird about even saying the words “divinely inspired”. I used to not love the other part, too–kinda felt weird about being a yoga-loving gal and also so jacked up on the beauty of this material world we live in. Not any more. And booyah!
When we embrace it all, love it all up fully, the world loves it right back. And then–big things happen.
Things like really beautiful clients applying to work with you, visions you’ve had in your head coming straight into your reality–the perfect new home, man, ideal day. Facilitating 1,000 people. Igniting sparks at a gig for 136 more. A year already booked with three trips to LA. And…more to come.
What would happen for you if you embraced it all?
If you announced to the world: “Hey, this is me and I am HERE. Ain’t nothin gonna hold me down.”
What’s there waiting for you to ignite?
Much love,
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