raindrops on leaves courtesy FlickrCC Lindsey Lewis

Everything has an impact.

And everything is a choice.

How do you want to feel?

Apathetic, overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, frazzled…

Or lit up, on fire, in charge, empowered, full of joy?

Notice what you watch, what you eat –what you let into your life How do you feel when you spend time with those people hang out in that place watch that TV show read that magazine re-think that same thought How do your daily, minute to minute choices Affect your ability to live your dream life? Your ability to be who you want to be?

You always have choices.

You can always choose what is most true for you.

Light yourself up

Give yourself love Satiate your cells with the nutrients of grace Minute to minute Day to day Hour to hour Week to week …fill up your life with love Choose every little thing

To be in alignment with your truest self.

Big love, L
creating your world | Lindsey Lewis