If you ever feel like you should settle for less and not want so much, read this.
October 8, 2013
The Temptation to Settle for Less
There’s times when I think maybe I should just be ok with what’s already here. And times when I wonder if maybe I’m dreaming of too much. And other times when I think to myself “If I was more spiritually evolved, I’d want less.”
And then I smack that part of myself upside the head, and keep going.
The brilliance of who we truly are
Because all of that stuff—that “I should play small” stuff and “accept what you have” stuff—is bonkers. It’s so far removed from the brilliance of who we truly are, of the light and shine of our soul, that it simply doesn’t make any sense.
We’re these unlimited, completely brilliant, absolutely awe-some forces of nature. Just take a look at how the world we live in presents itself.
Envision the night sky…
…or a multi-hued sunset over the ocean…
…or a flower in full bloom.
Nature doesn’t shy away from expressing its fullest potential.
But it’s easy to get caught in this line of thinking. There’s a lot of spiritual teachings that seem to convey this message. And I certainly heard it loud and clear when I first started exploring the great big meaning of life.
I once thought mudita, or the great big spiritual happiness, could only come from letting go of the material world, renouncing it in lots of ways. I know now that’s a load of hooey.
I know it because I believe that
truth always feels like freedom.
Like ease and peace and sort of like flying—but on the inside. And renouncing the world doesn’t feel like that to me.
Truth and freedom
Choosing what I embrace does. Honouring what’s right for me does. And so does living my dharma—my unique purpose for being here.
And, whaddya know, there are lots of teachings out there that affirm this. There’s some teachings from the Vedas that I love.
The four purusharthas are known as the four aims of life—what our soul desires.
1. Dharma: your duty, calling or life’s purpose
2. Artha: prosperity, or having the things you need to do your dharma.
3. Kama: pleasure, the reward of living our dharma.
4. Moksha: liberation or freedom.
It’s right there in ancient script. Living brightly, shining out, dreaming of what’s most right for you and enjoying what comes as a result, is directly linked to your soul.
And if you’re like me, you’ve learned not to try to suppress your soul. It just can’t be pushed down. It’s bigger than we are.
So next time you figure that maybe you should just settle, or stop dreaming and creating, take a look up at the night sky.
And then, go out and be bright.
“We are made of star stuff.” – Carl Sagan
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@lindsey_lewis: Nature doesn’t play small. Why should you? #365dayshappy
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image credits:
night sky courtesy FlickrCC creighton miller
ocean and sky courtesy FlickrCC pilottage
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