Lovely you;
I was so inspired by a woman I spoke with last week. In our first conversation, Emma* shared how she was tired all the time, working a lot–sometimes nearly 20 hours straight–longing to spend more time on her dreams, and wishing she could earn more money.
Despite all of that, it was clear to me that Emma had a fierce spirit, a strong sense of what she really wanted, and a strength inside her. During our time together, we talked about what was really driving her to work so hard, and what was getting in the way of her dreams.
Emma experienced a life changing shift.
The next time we spoke, just 5 days later, Emma was a changed person. She had taken time each workday to go for energizing, soul-nourishing walks, had said ‘no’ to work requests that would have meant giving up that time, and as a result had the energy and time to say ‘yes’ to an unexpected request for her services–for more pay, on her own terms.
Woo hoo! I was dancing for her. The shift was so clear.
“I feel like you’re helpng me become like that bird,” she said to me, “The one in the quote about sitting on a branch trusting in her own wings.”
Yup. That’s what it’s all about. Learning this, and strengthening it in my own life has been life changing.
I call this Soul Powered Living. I’m hosting a live, in person intensive with me and a global teleseminar on how to live in this way, and you’re invited.
Note: I’m only accepting 20 women into the in-person intensive, and 10 spaces are already claimed.
Spaces are already filling up.
To learn more and to RSVP you can go here:
1. Click here for more on the in person intensive, Sunday February 19, 2017.
2. Click here for more on the global teleseminar Friday, February 17, 2017.
(If you can’t make the teleseminar, you’ll receive the recording by signing up using the link above.)
Love Lindsey
*name changed for confidentiality
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