This might come as a shock, and if you’ve got sensitive ears please cover them up.
Sometimes, the most encouraging and impactful thing I say to myself is “F it”–except I, like, say the whole word.
“F it.”
Screw it.
I’m going for it.
What’s the worst that could happen?
They could say ‘no.’ It could suck. I could bomb. People could read it/watch it/listen to it and walk away thinking that was such a waste of their time/that I’m a total flake and completely out to lunch/or, at best, confused.
And you know what?
“F it.”
I’m going for it, anyway.
What Happens When I Use It
A few weeks ago my man showed me something he’d spotted in the paper: An article about a new writer-in-residence. Not just any writer-in-residence. A published author whose work kicks ass and has won not just one but three awards, and been optioned for TV and film. That kind of writer-in-residence.
And, she was taking applications for one-on-one meetings, where she would review, critique and provide feedback on your work, and also answer any questions. In other words, #nbd.
Oh how I wanted that experience. Oh man, how great would that be?
But, oh God what if it sucks? What if she takes one read of it and thinks that was such a waste of her time/that I’m a total flake and completely out to lunch/or, at best, confused.
And you know what? F it. Screw it. I’m going for it, anyway.
And I did. I took a deep breath, held the fears at bay–“Hey, you guys, thanks for caring, but right now I just need you to sit down and clam up.”–and submitted my application.
A few days later I got an email. It read:
“Dear Lindsey Lewis. Based on your application to the writer in residence, you have been selected for a consultation. Congratulations!”
#nbd #cueLindseyfreakingout
I don’t know what this wonder woman will say about my work, don’t know if I’ll walk out of that meeting elated or totally dejected.
But at least I’ll know I didn’t hold back, didn’t let fear stop me, took it along for the ride and just went ahead and did it, anyway.
Cos’ I’d definitely regret NOT doing it more than going for it.
Love Lindsey
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1 Comment
And? What did she say??? :)