This may be old news for most people, but it just really hit home for me. I was in a funk, caught up in an emotional reaction. I sat in my chair and stewed (okay, I admit it, I cried). I thought about forgetting my morning walk, about just sitting there feeling sorry for myself.
Soul sanity to the rescue! Somewhere beneath the emotion my deepest inner self went, “Oh, gimme a break, Linds, you know what to do right now. Just do it.” So I forced my butt off that chair, changed my clothes, went for my walk, and came home and vinyasa‘d myself to a better state.
Take-Away Tip: When we’re feeling bummed out, it really helps to, well, move our bums. Off the couch, off the chair, or out the door. For a walk, for a run, for a dance or yoga class. We take our mind’s attention off whatever’s got us down, and tap into that deep inner joy that is always there.
Top 5 Pick-Me-Up Songs 1. Real 2 Real, I Like to Move It (channel your inner Meerkat King) 2. Let’s Get it Started, Black Eyed Peas 3. Sunday Morning, K-Os 4. Live is Life, FubbalFieber 5. Umoja, Umoja
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