Hip Tranquil Chick Kimberly Wilson on Eco-Luxe and ABBA
January 30, 2009
Entrepreneur, Designer, Writer, Activist, and Teacher Yoga StyleVinyasa
Kimberly Wilson is the creative director and founder of Tranquil Space which started in her fourth-floor walk-up apartment in 1999 and now has three locations. Uber stylish travel mag Travel + Leisure named Tranquil Space among the top 25 yoga studios in the world.
In 2006, she penned Hip Tranquil Chick with hopes of inspiring fellow femmes to lead a mindfully extravagant life on and off the yoga mat, and is currently working on her next opus, Tranquilista.
When not bookstore browsing, you’ll find Kimberly designing the eco–luxeTranquiliT lifestyle collection, sipping oodles of tea, or leading retreats globally. With a passion for do-gooding, she founded Tranquil Space Foundation to assist women and girls with finding their inner voice through yoga, creativity, and leadership.
Indulge in ongoing musings on the yoga lifestyle through her tranquility dujourblog and podcast.
Why’d you create Hip Tranquil Chick? I wanted to share my philosophy on the yoga lifestyle for the modern woman: a hip tranquil chick. A hip tranquil chick juggles a busy life with grace, gives of her resources, puts her best face (and foot) forward, nurtures herself with compassionate care, exudes her signature style, and lights up the room with her presence. She weaves all of these great characteristics rolled into one fun-loving, chic, and conscious chick!
What’s the motivation behind your TranquiliT Line? After running around town in leggings and tees (before leggings were popular again), I craved a more stylish way to teach yoga and dash off for a date. I began with basic yoga pants and the line has expanded into a fully eco lifestyle line offering dresses, tops, bottoms, and accessories. Next is additional lifestyle offerings such as soy candles, bamboo bedding, meditation cushions, and more.
Kimberly’s Stress Busters AT WORK Dab lavender aromatherapy oil on your wrists. Move the spine in six directions: forward, back, side bend right, side bend left, twist right, twist left. Take a walk during lunch. Have healthy snacks on hand. Take five minutes to meditate.
AT HOME Roll out your yoga mat and indulge in sun salutations. Put your legs up the wall. Take 20 deep breaths. Soak in the tub. Sip hot tea. Take a nap.