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10 Steps to Creating a Home Meditation Practice

There’s a source of peace and strength in you that’s greater than any pain, upset, or bumps in the roads. There’s a place you can return to, time and again, to re-engage the core of your being. To find strength. To find peace. How? Read on…

10 Ways to Liberate Your Soul

This is about liberation. Listening to your soul when life feels like it’s falling apart and not going the way you want it to. Read on…

Making Tough Decisions: 7 Steps to Hear Your Own Inner Wisdom

“I don’t know what to do.” “I can’t figure it out.” “How do I know which choice to make?” “Which one is right for me?” Sound like someone you know? Here’s one thing I know for sure: You’ve got the power. You’ve got the power to know what to do, to figure it out, to know which choice to make. Your soul is calling. And all you need to do is listen. Read on…

The Yoga Practice for When Things Fall Apart

$hit happens. Things fall apart. Life gets hard. This is about the advanced, accessible yoga practice that will help you when that happens. Read on…
creating a home meditation practice, liberating your soul, and when things fall apart {guest post round-up} | Lindsey Lewis

creating a home meditation practice, liberating your soul, and when things fall apart {guest post round-up}

June 3, 2014