Student of Life, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist Intern
Pancha Karma Specialist Intern, Yoga Teacher

A big fan of holistic health system Ayurveda, and a pro in her own right, Madhuri sees patients for Ayurvedic Consultations on an Intern basis in Vancouver, and offers Ayurvedic massage and therapies. She’s also on the faculty of the Langara College Yoga Teacher Training Program. In April, she’s honoured to be hosting Swami Maheshananda for workshops.

Yoga Style Oh goodness, the fashion of yoga. Well my background in yoga is from the Bihar School of Yoga in India, but dancing professionally and training technically, plus studying Tai Chi and karate also inform the way I like to explore movement. So, my style is my own. I don’t have a label for it.

What are the three most common concerns people who come to your weekly classes have and how do you address them?
Stress, stress, and stress. What I’ve found underlying stress is that most people have never learned how to take care of themselves or there is guilt attached to doing something good for themself. So, many people are really searching for self love and being comfortable in their body, wanting a deeper understanding of themself.

From an Ayur Veda perspective, what are the most important, proactive, preventative health measures people can take as Spring arrives?
1. Keep your immune system strong and healthy
2. Get good sleep and eat well
3. Practice gratitude

Stress Busters
Be more and more aware of the breath and this will be a direct reflection of the mental state. Once the awareness is fairly constant, you can consciously take deeper and slower breaths, therefore reducing stress and tension.

AT HOME Simply your life. See if there is anything in your busy schedule that you can take out to make your life flow in a smoother more graceful way.

Madhuri’s Top 3 Inspirational Media
I don’t know what a podcast is, and I don’t have a TV. But other inspiring media would be:
1. Yogachaitanya’s series of Yoga & Meditation CDs
2. radha: diary of a woman’s search by Swami Sivananda Radha
3. Ayurveda The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad

Recommend a Yoga Insider
Drop us a line. Who inspires you?

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Related links
Dr. Vasant Lad’s College

yoga teacher and Ayurvedic intern Madhuri: yoga fashion, Ayur Veda, and a woman’s search

March 13, 2009