About Victoria Victoria is a news writer for CTV. She writes the local news for the 5, 6 and 11:30 shows. When at home or at an event, she’s the Vancouver City Editor for Sweetspot.ca, a national online lifestyles website. Next up: Victoria’s excited to start working with a local designer, helping her promote her product and conquer the world with positive messages of love and hope.
Mantra Life is too short so just keep moving, woman! Also, “Go placidly amid the noise and haste..” from ‘Desiderata‘ by Max Ehrmann
When and why did you start practicing yoga? I started practicing about 7 years ago because something drew me to it. Bikram’s was the first introduction and then I started expanding my horizon and really learning about the different types of yoga. Physically it felt really good to stretch, then the spiritual stuff followed.
Take-Away Tips How has yoga been useful to you? Yoga totally calms me and gives me an energized perspective into life. I’m more patient because of it. I feel like yoga people are good people. They want more from life, they want to improve the world around them. It’s selfless.
Yoga Teachers What teachers inspire you? Sat Guru Nomi Lyonnsfrom Salt Spring. We’re very much alike and she is just open and honest and a good woman.
Learnings What challenging, or simply un-fun, life experience became an opportunity for you to learn? What did you learn? The last year was filled with transition, uncertainty and not really knowing who I was or why I was doing what I was doing. It’s starting to make more sense. I’m learning that it’s exciting to not know everything and that time is on my side.
Inspiration What inspires you? Love. Mom.
Stress Buster How do you combat stress? I run for a very long time and I sing at the top of my lungs.