About Kate This PR maven represents tourism, travel and lifestyle brands throughout the province and has offices in Vancouver, and the Okanagan. Clients: spas, wineries, destinations, chefs and restaurants, a hotel, an author, an interior design firm and a jewelry line.
When and why did you start practicing yoga? About five years ago, at the original Yaletown Yoga on Richards.
Take-Away Tips
How has yoga been useful to you? The intensity of Hot yoga helps quiet my mind, a regular practice brings balance and strength and teacher training has provided a barrier to stress I didn’t know existed.
Yoga Teachers What teachers inspire you? Yogapod houses a number of inspirations: – Todd Inouye (you can still be edgy and love yoga) – Cindy MacDonald (her calming presence and perspective) – Shannon Mugajic (her tough classes—and her body is a work of art)
Learnings What challenging, or simply un-fun, life experience became an opportunity for you to learn? A roller coaster year of honesty, humility, forgiveness, courage and renewal. (New city, new business, new non-marital status.)
I learned that you get through it, that love and friendship mean everything, that you can eat nachos for a year straight and that everything really does happen for a reason.
Inspiration What inspires you? Possibility
Stress Buster How do you combat stress? Yoga, gym, chats with good friends, hugging the pug, walking, wine.
3 Books That Have Inspired You Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert Her journey inspired mine when I needed it most.