Leslie Kersha Counselor, Yoga Instructor, Blogger, Wife, & Small Business Owner Yoga Diva, and Creative Space Yoga Style: Power Yoga
Leslie’s passion and mission in life is to help and inspire others to create full, balanced, and gracious lives. She has a B.A. in Education and a M.Ed in Counseling, taught High School English for four years and is currently in her fifth year as a Professional School Counselor. A certified ACE Personal Trainer, certified AFAA Group Exercise Instructor, and a Yogafit trained yoga instructor, she’s found yoga to be one of the best catalysts for positive change and helping others on this life-long journey.
You mention that you’ve found yoga to be one of the best catalysts for positive change. Can you explain why? Yoga helps us slow down and become more self-aware and present in our lives. It helps us develop discipline, become stronger mentally and physically, and let go of our fears and negativity. At its deepest level, it allows us to get in touch with our most authentic selves. Because of this, through the practice of yoga, change and creating a life that reflects our true values and most authentic selves happens very naturally. We learn the importance of setting intentions and taking actions to change our lives in positive ways.
You also talk about intuitive empathy. Does this play a role in your life? How? I learned the term “intuitive empathy” recently while reading Dr. Judith Orloff’s book, Positive Energy. Essentially, people who are intuitive empaths are very sensitive and often absorb the energy of those around them, and I definitely think I fit into this category. Being an intuitive empath can become problematic for me when I easily absorb a lot of negative energy around me. My first few years as a counselor, were incredibly difficult, and looking back, I realize this is because I was taking in so much of the negative energy of others which left me feeling drained and sad. In the past few years, I became aware of my absorption, so to speak, of others’ energy (although I didn’t know the term for it until reading Orloff’s book), and I began to work on being empathic without taking on the feelings of others on an energetic level. This is still a work in progress.
Stress Busters AT WORK Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Literally stop what you’re doing at least 3 to 4 times during the work day and take 3 deep breaths down to your belly focusing on the sensations that arise as a result of the breath. If you’re feeling really stressed, on the inhalation, allow the mind to rest on the word “Let” and on the exhalation, focus on the word “Go.” Let…go…Let…go.
AT HOME Create a space in which you feel inspired and peaceful. Keep your home decluttered and bring in only with those things your truly love—fountains, candles, Buddha statues, plants, are a few of my favorite things. Within your home, create a sacred space where you can escape, if even for 5 minutes, for a little time to relax and be still.
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Thanks again for profiling me on your blog! Namaste'