Here’s something I like to do–for just five minutes–when things are feeling overwhelming.

Long Deep Breathing
On an inhale, bring your attention and intention to your belly. Let it get big and round (elastic waist pants, or even an undone waistband!, work best).
Carry that inhale into your torso, expanding three-dimensionally in your rib cage: out to the sides, and in front and back (bring your hands to your sides if you like; sometimes this helps us learn to control the area).
Keep inhaling up to your chest, until it lifts.

Enjoy the pause, the moment of peace, between each inhale and exhale.

On your exhale, let your chest drop, draw your rib cage together, and your belly button right up against your spine.


Release your tummy muscles, and then begin again.

Simple Stress Buster: Breathe

July 29, 2008