Here’s another quick (five minutes is all it takes) stress buster.
Alternate Nostril Breathing/NadiShodhana – Make a loose fist with your right hand – Extend your pinky and ring finger, and thumb – Use your ring finger and thumb to alternately close and open your left and right nostril, respectively – Close your right nostril. Inhale through your left – Close your left nostril. Release your right. Exhale through your right – Inhale through your right nostril – Close your right nostril. Open your left. Exhale through your left – Inhale through your left nostril – Close your left nostril. Open your right. Exhale through your right
And on it goes….
To add even more bliss boosting oomph, add a pause after each inhale. To add even more, count to four on each pause.
You can even do this for just two minutes.
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