Truth Love Creation
She’s one of those people who’s outer beauty reflects her inner self. I spent a few blissful hours with Reema Datta recently. She’s a powerhouse kirtan singer, and asana teacher. Her voice carries the divine, and rises us up. Below, some of the highlights I took away, now shared with you.

On Getting What You Want
Whatever you want, give it away to someone else, and it will come to you
Live to serve, and everything you want will come to you

On Giving Love
Give love. Love everyone

On Yoga Teachers and Teachings
The teacher is inside you
All yoga teachings are just suggestions. Find your own teacher
All of us yoga teachers, we don’t just want you to beleive us, we want you to experience it for yourself
Ask your teachers for help. They’re so happy you do

On Asana
Make your body a machine you use to serve others
To understand the cosmos, and learn to live in harmony with the world, we need to come to understand and live in harmony with ourselves

On the Mind
We experience the world as the way we see and label it. So notice your labels, and change them if you want to use your power.

For more on Reema, visit her website.

MC Yogi, Dr. Shiva, give love, puppies, and iPhones

Reema’s latest CD

Reema Datta: give love, get what you want, tune into your inner teacher

April 28, 2010