addthis_pub = ‘JoyForLife’; New Year’s Resolutions The editor of a website I write for recently asked all of the contributors “What New Year’s resolution do you truly intend to keep this year?”
The answers are inspiring and heartfelt, and I was thankful to be a part of the discussion, but my answer is “To practice letting go and go easy on myself if I don’t keep a New Year’s resolution.”
New Year Nuttiness There’s something exciting about a new year. An entire expanse of 365 days laid out before us, fresh and untainted. It’s as though we can see ourselves from a different place, and can release old hurts, frustrations, and disappointments.
And so we leap into New Year planning, jam packing that open space with hopes, daydreams, and “I’m going to do it this year!”-ness. (Me? Guilty as charged.) I’m all for working towards goals and dreams, but this New Year needs a break I think.
Yoga for Planning I’ve (slowly, with as much resistance as possible) learned that, from a yogic perspective, we’re at our best when we’re simply present. That’s when we can engage with whatever is happening from a strong, centred, relaxed but energized place. That’s when we can receive the opportunities that come up, rather than dodging them because we’re caught up in thinking we’ve got too much on our to-do list already.
So my answer was a one-sentence summation, in non-yogic language, of the lesson I’ve learned about following our goals, but also being willing to let them go, without judgment. (Now the trick is to actually do it. :)
What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions?
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell (courtesy Carrie & Danielle)
Thanks for sharing.Well my resolutions include Organizing,Discipline,taking actions,stop complaining,comparing n cynicism. My heartfelt New Year wishes to all the people around the globe.May this new bring lots of Joy,peace n prosperity where ever we are.Thank you.Keep smiling!!!Gifts to India|Gifts to chennai|Gifts to Bangalore
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Thanks for sharing.Well my resolutions include Organizing,Discipline,taking actions,stop complaining,comparing n cynicism. My heartfelt New Year wishes to all the people around the globe.May this new bring lots of Joy,peace n prosperity where ever we are.Thank you.Keep smiling!!!Gifts to India|Gifts to chennai|Gifts to Bangalore