Someone very close to me is sick.
She’s been diagnosed with a disease.
And yet, look at her. Radiant. Fit. Capable and competent.
Multi-tasking, raising kids, managing multiple clients.
Doctors say there’s nothing they know how to do for this.
Ring of Fire
The other morning I created a sacred circle in my living room. Candles all around. A circle of light.
Skies united with the earth. Igniting healing.
On my morning walk beneath the trees I looked up to see two eagles soaring overhead.
The sun rose. The winds blew the clouds away. The sky was it’s brightest blue.
Where was the grey and fog of yesterday?
Darkness and Light
This is how it happens. The mix of light and dark. A deep and abiding blue-black sky spackled with radiant stars.
There’s that esoteric Zen saying:
“Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.”
Life goes on. In darkness and light.
In both joy and pain, we gather our resources and nourish our bodies.
We lay down within a circle of fire and let out piercing cries and deep moans. Tears stream. And beneath it bubbles up a deep and abiding peace and strength.
There are two paths to freedom.
Through both pleasure and pain.
In light and in dark, we go deep to go on.
Sacred space is vital. Inside it we return to the truth of who we are. Radiant.
If you haven’t already, create a sacred space. Candles, pillows, symbols that are reminders of the cosmic picture and the truth of it all. Spend some time there. Consciously inviting in the light–and embracing the dark. Be with what is, and give love.
image credit: bamboo forest courtesy FlickrCC the pug father
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