give love: mc yogi, iPhones, and puppy love [video]
February 15, 2010
Coincidences The universe is always lighting our way with “coincidences.” The message is there for us to hear, if we listen.
I had a follow-up appointment with my AyurVedic doc, Shiva (aka. Dr. Varma). Really, I just like talking to the guy, and, lucky for me, he’s happy to chat. So we got to jiving about love, and every single woman’s search for it.
iPhones and Puppy Love He pulled out his iPhone, put it in the palm of my hands. “Pretend this is a little puppy,” he said, “Talk to it.” First, I told my insecure, rational mind to bugger off. Then it was off to the races, picturing my great pal B’s little schnouzer, when she was just a few weeks old. “Hey, little cutie pie, sweetie schnookums. How are you doing today? Aren’t you the cutest little thing ever on earth? Cutey wootey…”
Give Love You get the picture. Here’s the point. In that moment, I felt full-up with love, running over with love, high on the stuff. And that’s what Shiva’s point was. We feel the most love when we give it. And we can practice giving it every day, in any way, to anyone we want. We just gotta get into that silly, goofy, heart-centred space when we communicate.
So we can stop searching for love. We’ve got it. We can give it. And get it while we do.
It’s a practice, just like anything.
And MC Yogi just reminded me of that, with his new vid.