big season, big peace: tips for staying centered and happy during the bustling busyness
December 22, 2009
It’s that wonder-full, magical, beauty-full time of year. It can also be a time for feeling overwhelmed and maxed out.
Take-Away Tips to help you stay grounded and centred during the holidays–whether you’re last-minute shopping, or biting your tongue when family presses your buttons, as only family can.
1. Breathe You know this. I know this. But do we remember to do it all the time? Nope. So let’s breathe–truly, madly, deeply.
2. Use Your Senses Tune into sights, sounds and physical sensations. You’ll help yourself drop out of your head, into your body, and into the present moment, where worrying about the future and rehashing the past doesn’t happen.
3. Move Mindfully Let your body move one millisecond slower than your mind wants it to. This simple act can help you drop out of your manic monkey mind and into the space that simply is.
4. Exhale When things feel beyond the deep breathing solution, take an adapted version of lion’s breath: inhale deep, then stick your tongue way out and forcefully exhale. Do it with a “rarrrr” and you might even get yourself giggling.
5. Laugh On that note, give yourself a good giggle, too. Fake it ’till you make it, and transform your experience of the moment.
Yoga holds that a person’s health condition depends on himself. It lays emphasis on physical, mental and emotional balance and development of a sense of harmony with all of life. There’s nothing mystical about it.Nor is it external. Rather it is an inner faculty. Yoga endeavors to re-establish inner balance through a variety of ways, ranging from the gross to the subtle. Which is why it is considered a holistic art.Rather than prescribe treatments, yoga therapy encourages awareness. Through age-old yogic techniques, we get to know ourselves better.From that knowledge, comes the ability to more easily accept and adapt to change, resulting in enhanced well-being in body, mind, heart and spirit. Hence its applicability to almost all chronic conditions.What approach does yoga therapy take?Contrary to modern medical science that tries to identify the pathogenic factor (be it a toxic substance, a micro-organism, or metabolic disorder) then eliminate it, Yoga takes a totally different point of view. It holds that if a person is sick there must be a deeper reason behind it – that illness doesn’t arise by chance. It is the result of an imbalance, a disruption in the body-mind complex that creates the condition. Here the symptoms, the pathogenic factors, are not the issue. Yoga believes that the root cause lies somewhere else.
great suggestions! and just what i needed to read this day before Christmas Eve :) Have a great holiday!
Yoga holds that a person’s health condition depends on himself. It lays emphasis on physical, mental and emotional balance and development of a sense of harmony with all of life. There’s nothing mystical about it.Nor is it external. Rather it is an inner faculty. Yoga endeavors to re-establish inner balance through a variety of ways, ranging from the gross to the subtle. Which is why it is considered a holistic art.Rather than prescribe treatments, yoga therapy encourages awareness. Through age-old yogic techniques, we get to know ourselves better.From that knowledge, comes the ability to more easily accept and adapt to change, resulting in enhanced well-being in body, mind, heart and spirit. Hence its applicability to almost all chronic conditions.What approach does yoga therapy take?Contrary to modern medical science that tries to identify the pathogenic factor (be it a toxic substance, a micro-organism, or metabolic disorder) then eliminate it, Yoga takes a totally different point of view. It holds that if a person is sick there must be a deeper reason behind it – that illness doesn’t arise by chance. It is the result of an imbalance, a disruption in the body-mind complex that creates the condition. Here the symptoms, the pathogenic factors, are not the issue. Yoga believes that the root cause lies somewhere else.