Take-Away Tip
It really is possible. Take a walk in the early morning or early evening, when things are a bit calmer and quieter.

Start by noticing:
– The colour of the grass–not green, but grey, brown, bright green, light green, dark green
– The notes in a birdsong, and how it differs from another’s
– The different sounds car tires make on the road
– The specks of grey–dark, light, brown, white–on the sidewalk
– Leaves, brown and wrinkled, damp or dry

Just be completely present. United with each minuscule moment. Breathe.

I did this on my morning walk instead of doing my usual mantra. I paused beneath a tree, one palm on its trunk, closed my eyes and felt the peace there. Birds were singing. The air was still. Everything paused. And in that moment I was enveloped in love, had the feeling of being hugged by the universe. It’s always there; just waiting for us to feel it.

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Don’t Leave Home: Take a Vacation with Yoga

February 4, 2009