5 grace-infused time management tips. how to get it done, with greater ease
October 22, 2014
Time management isn’t something I usually write about. But lots of people have been asking me lately about how to navigate the many desires and requests of their day.
How do I get it all done?
How do I manage it all?
The surprising thing is that time management has everything to do with divine timing. And you can access the infinite to help you get it all done and manage it all.
Here’s 5 Grace Infused Time Management Tips
1. Practice surrender.
2. Invite in the universe for guidance.
3. And listen deep–to your intuition and body compass.
4. Intentionally let go of the part of you that wants to schedule each minute and map everything out in great detail.
5. Instead, practice trust.
Here’s an example of an average day’s to-do love-list for me, not including meals:
Do my own morning practice and rituals
Teach yoga
Coach two clients
Create or finalize the next 21-day challenge
OR Create first or final outline of my upcoming class for Entheos’ Academy for Optimal Living
Respond to emails
Create map for new client, how we’ll get her where she wants to go
Connect with people on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Entheos Oasis
On other days, there are other things, like guest posts, posts for LibreLiving.com, meetings with other libre-oriented entrepreneurs, prepping for speaking gigs or facilitating workplace Power of Presence trainings. And a few other things I also love to do.
Here’s how I practice
surrender, invite in the universe for guidance, listen deep, and intentionally let go–and get it done (most days), with greater ease.
Surrender: I leave spaces in my day for my intuition to fill in. Instead of mapping out what I’ll do each day, I create weekly goals instead: a love-list of to-dos that are important that week, based on what I’ve promised to do for other people.
Invite in the universe for guidance: Between my appointments, I begin each space of time with a check-in, where I read through the weekly love-list and feel into each item.
Listen deep:Whichever item has the strongest pull into a state of ease, I do.
Let go: Even if the verbal part of my brain thinks I should prioritize something else. I do whatever it is that incites in me the greatest feeling of ease.
Practice trust: Trusting that we can let go takes practice. It takes making the leap of faith that the love-list to-do that feels best, incites greater ease, will lead us to the greater end result. It does, every time. Getting there take practicing trusting that it will.
I let go of thinking that the verbal part of my brain knows best, and surrender to the timing of the universe. Every time I do this, timing just works. Even if my mind believes that the thing I feel pulled to do will take longer than I’ve got, if it feels like more ease to do it than to do something else, I do it. And, inevitably, it gets completed exactly in the right amount of time. And so does the next and the next and the next.
Soon, it’s the end of the day and the entire thing has passed in a state of flow.
What Happens When I Miss it Entirely
Before I start to sound like I’m always floating on air, let me be totally transparent: I don’t always manage this. Anytime I get caught in worrying about the future, I can get caught in thinking I need to make things happen, force myself through a strict to-do list, and generally lock out any sense of trust or grace. On these days I feel rushed, stressed, and short-tempered. And there never seems to be enough time.
I LOVE the term ‘practice.’ I practice being intuitive about what I do and when I do it–and each time I master it for a moment, it works out with grace and ease. It doesn’t matter if the to-do is mundane, or deeply intuitive. On the times I don’t manage it, I practice being absolutely ok with that.