one great big tip for self-healing: from the tuned-in RMT magician
January 26, 2011
Here’s the invocation she said to the air: “We ask that the body return to it’s natural state of alignment and health.”
And what she said to me:
“Just see what you feel here. If you feel that your body wants to move a certain way, go with it. If you don’t feel anything, don’t worry about it. It’s subtle.”
Subtle? In 0.2 seconds my body went from stock-still to rocking and circling and flowing and breathing in a completely un-prescribed, completely intuitive mini dance for freedom. Freedom from pain. (Okay, that might be a bit dramatic. It was only my sciatic nerve–but it hurt!)
My mind was saying “Whoa, hold on here, I don’t know what’s happening. I’m not in control.” My deeper self was saying, “Hallelujah sister! Back off mind, and just hang on for the ride.”
After about two minutes of what felt like an eternity of flow, Dawn (yes, that’s her name, the magician RMT) brought me back to stillness. She checked my sciatic nerve. I checked my sciatic nerve. The pain was gone.
And here is the one great big tip for self-healing I’ll always be indebted to Dawn for teaching me:
Trust yourself.
Our bodies are the beautiful, multi-tasking powerhouse vessels for our incredible soul. And they’re always–always–leading us towards health and happiness. We just gotta listen.
Start with the invocation. Then let go.
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