I began my at-home yoga practice partly as a way to spend time in solitude. Mornings spent on my own on my mat have been a savior for me in many ways.
Though in my classes I hope to create a sense of connectedness between each person participating, I’ve always thought of my morning practice as time for me to connect with my true self, and God.
Lately, I’ve shared some of my morning sessions with a lovely, gentle man–my boyfriend. (I can hear single yoginis sighing: “lucky”.) At first I resisted, wanting to hold fast to those precious moments of me-time.
But, as I let the resistance go, I’ve noticed something beautiful: unity. In our time together, his breath reminds me to breathe, his intention encourages mine, his focus feeds mine, and, I think, it goes both ways.
I’ll still enjoy my mornings on my own, but I’m also enjoying our mornings together. After all, yoga = union.
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