Good post!I went through some similar thoght processes recently. I realized that my practice had become sporadic. If I didn't have 45 minutes to an hour plus to spare, I usually didn't bother, even though as little as 10 minutes always made me feel better.I had practiced four straight days at the end of August when I decided, in honor of National Yoga Month, to commit to daily practice in September. Morning is a natural for me, especially since I run first thing in the morning. I found that as little as 8 to 10 minutes of yoga immediately after my run made me feel immeasurably better all day! Much better 10 minutes than none! And I still manage an additional longer evening practice once or twice a week.Just a matter of coming to the realization that I didn't need to have any minimum limit. Just to go with the very yogic notion to gladly accept each day what that day is able to give.Today, my daily practice is still going at 88 days.
Hey there, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading this blog. This post today inspired me to do what I, most days, think about doing but don't actually do. I ended up doing 30 minutes of yoga/meditation while my son napped (felt like much less), and now I feel sooo much better, in many aspects, and wonder why I don't do this every day? ;) Anyway, keep writing, I love your perspective!
Thank you for this post! I think it's so easy to get discouraged if you don't hit the mat for an hour every day. Your words are very encouraging and embody what I try to promote in my own teaching. I believe Iyengar said this, "Improvement counts, no matter how small."