read this when you’re feeling too small to make a difference or make a change
July 24, 2013
If you act small, you’ll feel small.
If you feel small, you’ll be small.
Don’t let your fears tell you to be afraid to live a big life.
Choose your own definition of success.
Define it according to internal instead of external coordinates.
Ask yourself what’s possible.
Don’t believe the doubters–they’re afraid of their own brilliance,
so they have a hard time with yours.
Anything is possible at any time.
It’s not just choice A or choice B:
it’s A to Z and beyond.
The only reason people don’t experience miracles in life
is because they don’t believe they happen.
Choose to believe in your own unlimited potential.
Remember times you felt fully expanded, liberated and free:
that was truth speaking louder than words.
Act big. Confidence is the one thing you can fake until you make.
Believe in your ability to cultivate your greatness.
It’s what you’re destined for.
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