Lovely you, I hope you are well! Especially now, especially at this time. In this post I’m sharing: A video on a question that can provide you with the answers to your challenge–something that’s supporting my clients right now. (3.25 mins). That question is: What’s the metaphor here, for me? This is a coaching question I posed during a group I’m running. We took time to have each woman pick an area of their life and consider the question in relation to it: e.g. Their marriage, their relationship with their body, pandemic living. Some of the answers were: “I’m in a boxing ring with my body, beating her up.” “I’m looking at him and seeing myself.” “Ducking down and popping up again.” Each woman then considered what she could learn, from viewing the subject through the metaphor lens. Because our approach to creating what we want has a direct impact on whether or not we get it, and how the process goes. Seeing our approach inside a metaphor can help us make the big adjustment needed to create the change we want–or see the change we actually need. For more, watch below. And: if you answer the question for yourself–feel welcome to hit reply and share it with me. Love Lindsey Want these videos directly to your inbox? Sign up here.

What’s the Metaphor?

October 23, 2020