Beyond our mind, beyond the verbal, analytical part of our brain–there is joy. And peace. Strength. A vibrant, illuminated soul. Clear the path, clear the way, let the light shine. We can move beyond our thoughts–especially our lizard brain. The verbal, analytical part of our brain processes 40 bits of information per second. Very impressive! The non-verbal part of our brain processes 11 MILLION BITS of information per second. Booyah. I do daily, minute-by-minute thought clearing. What thoughts aren’t serving me? Label: worrying. Gotcha! Another one? Label: the “I’m not good enough” top tune. Spotted you! What else? Label: the “if I keep following my dream and living my passion I’ll end up broke” mantra. Oh, really? Is that true? Evidence says otherwise.


Watch your thoughts. Which ones are coming from the over-reactive amygdala (aka lizard brain). Which ones are NOT serving you? Fears, doubts, insecurities. Meet them with compassion and love. Thank them for their care and concern. And then question their validity until their ambiguity is revealed. Try Byron Katie’s The Work: turn the limiting thought around to it’s opposite; then look for three examples that prove this opposite is true. Join the conversation by answering this question on your Facebook page (feel free to tag me @lindseyonline), in the comments below, or on your own blog. Just link back here to keep the connection. You’ve got the power. Much love, L
illumination station: are your thoughts serving you? | Lindsey Lewis

illumination station: are your thoughts serving you?

March 6, 2012