Make love, and profit

Danielle LaPorte digs deep from her own life experience and proven successes to teach soulful ways to make an abundant living doing what you love–and more. Mark Silver embraces Sufism, business savvy and listening to your soul. Jonathan Fields writes riveting, from-the-heart, razor-sharp insights about work, play, life and making a difference–and money–while you’re at it.

Create your dream life

Life Coach Susan Hyatt practical, grounded yet radical tips on everything from creating luck to losing weight. Life Coach Martha Beck rocks my world–and thousands of others’ too. When she realized “I’m not just a writer, I have something to write,” the world began to receive the wise-cracking wisdom of a teacher who describes herself in six words as “Stumbling into everything. Falling into grace.”

Eat well, Live well

Foodie Julie Beyer’s vegan and raw recipes are deceptively delicious–especially if you’re unfamiliar with this type of cuisine. What? This is vegan? It’s divine!

Have amazing sex–and lots of it

Kim Anami lives her teachings in such a way that those who seek her out are nearly instantly transformed. Her teachings on “gourmet sex”, “The Come Diet,” and “How to spice up your love life, even if you don’t have one” might at first sound kinky–but definitely come from the heart. And a divinely-tuned one at that.
7 crazy sexy blogs on love, food, sex and money | Lindsey Lewis

7 crazy sexy blogs on love, food, sex and money

February 21, 2012