Remember chain letters? Now we have them online. And I’m jumping aboard. For this one, you agree to be interviewed by a fellow writer. Your answers are published on your blog and theirs. Likewise, you agree to interview anyone/someone who would like to be interviewed by you. So it goes.

Do you want to be interviewed by me? Check out the rules (bottom of this page).

5 Questions from Danielle LaPorte of White Hot Truth
…because self-realization rocks

1. Have you had an experience with art that really moved you?
Yes, but not with a piece; with an artist. When I researched and wrote about Emily Carr for Where Vancouver magazine, I fell for her completely (platonically). She embraced her passion and her true self so fully. She lived to paint and nothing could stop her. She continually sought peace in nature. I feel I could escape into one of her paintings and feel the stillness.

2. What kind of daughter are you?
Protective. Thankful. Grateful. A bit regretful (what kid doesn’t wish their parent’s didn’t have to sacrifice a thing for them?). Determined to share the blessings.

3. Where does your laughter come from?
The source. The Greater, Good, and Wonderful. Yup, it’s just a verbal release of that tapping in–to the joy inside every single one of us. Something else might set me off, but it’s the embrace of the source that keeps it going. Joy.

4. What’s the most useful advice you could give to a writer?
Write from your soul. Get deep. Get into it. Even if the subject sucks.

5. What 3 books rocked your world?
Patanjali’s Sutras
The Canadian Press Stylebook
The 8 Human Talents, by Gurmukh

– leave me a comment saying: “interview me”
– all comments will be published
– I will e-mail you five questions of my choice
– you can then answer the questions on your blog, with a link back to my blog
– you should also post these rules, along with an offer to interview anyone else who wants to be interviewed
– anyone who asks to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog
– it would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger

5 Questions from White Hot Truth

January 27, 2009