earth and sky courtesy FlickrCC mehul antani cropped

Hello lovely;

Do you want a happiness boost? Do you ever look at those people who seem to be happy all the time and wonder how they do it? What do they know that you don’t? First off: Those people who seem to be happy all the time—they’re not. That being said, there are people who’ve got the goods on how to be happier more of the time. I’ve pulled them, their contemporary scientific teachings, and the best spiritual wisdom all together in one place. It’s so easy.

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge

Dharma. Destiny. Our soul shines. July 1-30 1. Sign up here 2. Receive your first daily challenge email on Monday, July 1 It’s F.R.E.E.

What’s in this 30-Day Challenge?

• Study results on what certifiably, verifiably boosts happiness. (I may have made up that word verifiably–but it sounds good, hey?) • Action steps you can take today to boost your own happiness. • How to ignite the innate happiness already within you. • Champagne toasts to the parts of you that boost your happiness. • Real, lasting change.

5 keystones of happiness

Mondays: Ignite Tuesdays: Seek Inspiration Wednesdays: Living Proof Thursdays: Champagne Toast Fridays: Be the Change


the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry vault or arch, which is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch to bear weight.
Ignite, Seek Inspiration, Living Proof, Champagne Toast + Be the Change = the keystones of happiness.
They lock it into position, and enable it to bear weight.

Sign Up for the 30-Day Happiness Challenge

1. Sign up here 2. Receive your first daily challenge email on Monday, July 1

Why I care (a lot) about people being happy

“Contemporary research shows that happy people are more altruistic, more productive, more helpful, more likable, more creative, more resilient, more interested in others, friendlier, and healthier. Happy people make better friends, colleagues, and citizens.” ~ Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project Happier people at work lead to: • 33% higher profitability (Gallup) • 43% more productivity (Hay Group) • 37% higher sales (Shawn Achor) • 300% more innovation (HBR) • 51% lower turnover (Gallup) • 50% less safety incidents (Babcock Marine Clyde) • 66% decrease in sick leave (Forbes) • 125% less burnout (HBR)

This is all good stuff, but…

All that being said: when you’re happy it’s very likely you’re living your dharma, your purpose for being on this planet. You have liberated your soul. That’s why I care about people being happy. Like, soul-level happy. To-the-core happy. Radiantly happy. It’s no small thing or selfish thing to pursue what makes you uniquely and deeply happy. It’s your destiny, your dharma, and your purpose for being on this planet. This is cosmic stuff, guys.

Sign Up for the 30-Day Happiness Challenge

Dharma. Destiny. Our soul shines. (There’s also a lotta smiling.) It’s going to be amazing. And totally free.

How it Works: 2 easy steps

1. Sign up here 2. Receive your first daily challenge email on Monday, July 1 See you there! xL

“You’re a true teacher…You’re devoted, engaged in listening–really listening, and grounded in your own experience.” – Danielle LaPorte, creator of The Fire Starter Sessions, Desire Map and more.

“…to say this was a heady kind of high is an understatement.” – Parisa Lighting Little Fires

“Lindsey has somehow figured it out: Where to find grace and joy in a chaotic universe. Listen to this little one, because I tell you now she’s the real deal.” – Thom Stitt, artist, movie-maker,

30-day happiness challenge. are you in? | Lindsey Lewis